Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:00-1:00 p.m.). Wednesday by Phone Only.

Taxi Programs

Participating Taxi Companies

Fairfield Cab              Veteran’s Cab 
(707) 422-5555        (707) 421-9999

Reduced Fare Taxi Program

The Reduced Fare Taxi Program is a curb-to-curb demand response service designed to transport residents of the City of Fairfield who are 60 years of age or older. This service operates within the City of Fairfield and is provided through local taxi operators and is available 24 hours a day, year-round. Proof of eligibility is required each time you ride the taxi under this program.  Upon entering the taxi, you will be required to show the driver your photo ID and your Reduced Fare Taxi Card or Solano County ADA Paratransit ID Card.

Effective July 1, 2015, fares for trips taken under the Reduced Fare Taxi Program must be paid for with local taxi scrip. Eligible passengers may purchase a $20 book of local taxi scrip for $10. Local taxi scrip purchases are limited to 40 books per eligible passenger, per month. Proof of eligibility is required at the time of purchase. Local taxi scrip may be purchased through FAST at the Fairfield Transportation Center, 2000 Cadenasso Drive, Fairfield, CA 94533. Local taxi scrip is also available through mail order by using the DART Pass and Taxi Scrip Order Form. All trips taken under the Reduced Fare Taxi Program must be paid for with local taxi scrip. Cash payments are not accepted for taxi trips taken under this program.

To be eligible for the Reduced Fare Taxi Program, you must fill out an application and provide proof that you reside in the City of Fairfield as well as proof that you are age 60 or older.  If eligible, a taxi card is issued within 2 weeks of receipt of a completed Reduced Fare Taxi Application.  (People who are ADA eligible may also participate in the Reduced Fare Taxi Program and do not need to complete a Reduced Fare Taxi Application.)

Applications for a Reduced Fare Taxi Card are available through the mail by contacting FAST Administration at (707) 434-3800 or by visiting the Fairfield Transportation Center, 2000 Cadenasso Drive, Fairfield CA. Applications may also be downloaded here: Local Reduced Fare Taxi Scrip Application

You may also order Local Taxi Scrip by mail. Complete the FAST Connect-DART Pass and Taxi Scrip Order Form and mail with a check or money order made payable to the City of Fairfield and mail to the Fairfield Transportation Center, 2000 Cadenasso Drive, Fairfield CA 94533.

Intercity Taxi Program

The Solano County Intercity Taxi Program is a flexible option for qualified ADA paratransit-certified riders.  This service provides premium ADA plus, curb-to-curb, same day transportation.  The Intercity Taxi Program is valid for taxi trips originating and ending within Solano County.  The Program may be used for taxi trips between cities and rural areas within Solano County but is not valid for trips within each individual city.  The Intercity Taxi Program is in addition to paratransit services available by public transit providers throughout Solano County.

The Intercity Taxi Program is available to ambulatory ADA paratransit-certified riders who reside within Solano County.  Riders with mobility devices must be able to fold them and put them into the trunk of the taxi.  Fairfield residents must be eligible to ride FAST Connect ADA and have a Solano County ADA Paratransit ID Card in order to utilize the Intercity Taxi Program.  Upon entering the taxi, you will be required to show the driver your Solano County ADA Paratransit ID Card.

Fares for trips taken under the Intercity Taxi Scrip Program must be paid for with a prepaid PEX Card. ADA eligible passengers may load $100 in intercity taxi funds for $40. ADA eligible passengers who qualify for low-income status may purchase a $100 in intercity taxi funds for $20. Qualified passengers may only purchase $400 in intercity taxi funds per month. To apply for a PEX Card and to determine if you qualify for low income status, please call the Solano Transportation Authority at (800) 535-6883. A PEX Card will be issued upon approval of eligibility. All trips taken under the Intercity Taxi Program must be paid for with the PEX Card.

Fairfield residents may load their PEX Card by calling Solano Transportation Authority at 800-535-6883.

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